- Szczegóły
- Rita Marques, Universidade de Lisboa
On the 18th of June the Institute of Education of University of Lisbon held the final Portuguese exhibition, gathering almost 100 students and teachers from the schools that were involved in the IRRESISTIBLE.
- Szczegóły
In schoolyear 2015-2016, different schools in The Netherlands participated in the IRRESISTIBLE-project. Most participating schools chose the module about Carbohydrates in Breastmilk, that was given during biology and chemistry lessons. As a closure of the project, students made an exhibition about what they learned; often using the EXPOneer system as used frequently in this project.
Czytaj więcej: student exhibition competition in The Netherlands
- Szczegóły
- Written by Serena Randazzo and Michele A. Floriano, University of Palermo
During the first part of the project at the University of Palermo, a module on “Nanotechnology in solar energy conversion” have been designed and tested. In the second phase, currently running, about 20 classes and 400 students are involved on the same module and, in addition, the photocatalysis module, developed by the Polish colleagues of Jagiellonian University, is also being tested.
- Szczegóły
- Written by Iwona Maciejowska, Jagiellonian University
The exhibition entitled “Welcome to the Nanoworld” is an unique event in Polish museums. While usually exhibitions have one or several curators, several dozens of people participated in the preparation of this exhibition – students of lower secondary, upper secondary and vocational schools, who not only developed and designed the exposition, but also made the interactive exhibits.
Czytaj więcej: “Welcome to the Nanoworld” interactive exhibition in the eye of its creators
- Szczegóły
- Dimitris Stavrou, University of Crete
Students of primary, lower and upper secondary education presented their exhibits on Nanotechnogy, Microplastic and Breast Milk in the public opening of the IRRESISTIBLE exhibition that took place on 15th of April 2016 in the Eugenides Foundation in Athens and on 17th of April 2016 in the Natural History Museum of the University of Crete in Heraklion. Almost 600 visitors of all ages had the opportunity to gain useful knowledge and reflect on their everyday actions related to Nanotechnology applications, Plastic in the oceans and Breast milk, by engaging in interactive hands-on activities.
Czytaj więcej: IRRESISTIBLE Exhibition of the second phase in Greece