- Szczegóły
- Sherman Rosenfeld, Ron Blonder and the Weizmann CoL staff, Weizmann Institute of Science
The main goal of the Weizmann Institute's module is to foster positive attitudes towards RRI by both teachers and students, by focusing on the development of perovskite-based photovoltaic cells, which may provide an alternative energy solution to the energy crisis. How does this module introduce the topic of RRI?
The CoL (Community of Learners) that developed this model decided to have the teachers of the participating classes introduce RRI to their students before visits the Weizmann Institute, through the story of lead.
Czytaj więcej: introducing RRI at the weizmann institute – the story of lead
- Szczegóły
- Miikka de Vocht, University of Helsinki, Department of Physics
School reforms are unlikely to happen if teachers are not involved enough in the process. Teachers play a ‘make-or-break’ role in a success of a reform. One aim of IRRESISTIBLE has been to add Responsible Research and Innovation into teaching modules developed by teachers. There has been plenty of issues that were addressed in order to make this happen. Teachers needed information about RRI teaching, teachers needed time and resources to develop their teaching methods, and teachers needed possibilities for various kinds of collaborations. To find out more about the success of the project and the types of teachers participating in IRRESISTIBLE a questionnaire was implemented.
Czytaj więcej: interests and concerns related to teaching of Responsible Research and Innovation
- Szczegóły
- Gabriel Gorghiu, Valahia University Targoviste
The area of research on nanomaterials is a peaked one, and many scientists anticipate that such materials are about to become a strong base for performing materials, intelligent systems but also to set up new production methods, with significant impact on all the societal aspects. In this respect, it is obvious that in the past recent years, numerous applications of nanomaterials have been designed. Here, we can talk about UV filters in sunscreen cream, modern textiles that prevent wetting or odors, lithium-ion batteries that can supply the power of electric cars, or solar-panels confectioned by nanomaterials.
Czytaj więcej: irresistible involved in the romanian week: “school, in another way”
- Szczegóły
- Italy
One of the schools involved within the IRRESISTIBLE Italian CoL is the ISS Institute “Nobili” in Reggio Emilia. The school participated with 3 classes, grade 9 (15 years old) led by their Chemistry teacher Paola Ambrogi and two technicians. The classes were constituted by mixed abilities students, but the majority of them were low-performing students with some behavioural problems.
Czytaj więcej: local story of RRI: luminescent nanosensors illuminate RRI
- Szczegóły
- Eva Teuling, Science LinX
Wednesday 18 February saw the premiere of a teaching module that was developed within the CoL of The Netherlands. The module is about carbohydrates in breast milk: Gezond oud worden begint bij Mammae (Healthy Ageing Begins with Mammary).
Czytaj więcej: in practice: teaching module trial at lindecollege / netherlands