One of the advantages of both producing and presenting an exhibit is that it draws upon the facets of IBSE: in producing an exhibition pupils can re-present scientific facts as speculative questions, transmissive teaching can be transformed, and the audience at the exhibit can construct their own learning.
In designing an exhibit, or a narrative/inquiry focused dialogue to accompany an exhibit, students would need to consider how the exhibit gets the audience thinking about issues of Responsible Research and Innovation. During these exhibits’ preparation, learners will ask questions, use logic and evidence in formulating and revising scientific explanations, recognizing and analysing alternative explanations, and communicate scientific arguments. Exhibitions about RRI, as a socio-cultural context, can raise questions, elicit personal reflection and stimulate conversations between students and visitors, transforming both of them into learners (Braund & Reiss, 2004). By presenting frontier knowledge or by using an exhibit to raise questions students become learners with their visitors.
- Braund, M. & Reiss, M. (Eds.) (2004). Learning science outside the classroom. London: Routledge Falmer.