The following modules were developed within the IRRESISTIBLE project:


Use Policy

  • All modules were developed to be freely used by anybody who is interested in addressing these topics in teaching and/or communication of science. You are also allowed to copy and redeistribute the modules as long as you refer to the IRRESISTIBLE project as the author and as long as the redistribution has no commercial interest. 
  • Some of the module packages contain an editable version of the module. Feel free to use these and adapt the module to your local needs. In case of changes, please clearly mark the parts you changed and add a comment that these were adapted and not part of the original module.
  • We did our best to clear all copyright issues, including imagery and media used in the modules. If you believe we used material that offends somebodys copyright, please let as know as soon as possible: Contact the project coordinator Jan Apotheker (j.h.apotheker [at] and the webmaster (info [at] Thanks.

Carbohydrates in Breast Milk (The Netherlands)


Why don’t babies drink milk from the supermarket? What are the differences between mother’s milk and cow’s milk? And why are breastfed babies better protected against allergies and obesity? These questions are answered in the teaching module ‘Carbohydrates in Breast Milk’ developed at the University of Groningen. The module is suitable for biology and chemistry classes in upper level high school.

Video on Youtube English version (.zip, 29Mb) | Dutch version (.zip, 43Mb) | Greek version (.zip, 13Mb) 


Nano and Health (Turkey)


Nano for Health Module aims to teach the fundamental concepts of nanoscience (e.g., size and scale, size dependent properties, and instruments) and the use of nanoparticles in health sciences, in particular antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles through inquiry-based science education. It includes 8 coherent chapters integrating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

English version (.zip, 500Mb) |  Turkish version (.zip, 372Mb) |  Dutch version (.zip, 2Mb) |  German version (.zip, 5Mb)


The RRI of Perovskite-Based Photovoltaic Cells (Israel)


The module is based on the guiding question: "Under what conditions would we agree to have perovskite-based photovoltaic (PV) cells installed on the windows of our school?" and includes: 1) a pre-visit RRI unit for the students "The story of lead" 2) a visit to the science museum on the topic of PV,  3) a "special news broadcast" to engage the students, 4) background articles, 5) a lecture on PV cells, 6) lab experiment on PV cells, and 7) a session on building the exhibits.

Video on Youtube | English version (.zip, 3Mb) |  Dutch version (.zip, 2Mb)


The Catalytic Properties of Nanomaterials (Poland)


This module focuses on properties of nanocrystals and nanoporous materials and their applications in catalytic processes used in environmental protection. Experiments are designed and performed by the students to introduce basic concepts of NoS, surface processes, nanotechnology and catalysis. Teachers may implement the module in whole or select its elements only, depending on students’ abilities, time capabilities etc.

Video on Youtube |  English version (.zip, 6Mb)  Polish version (.zip, 14.3Mb)


Nanotechnology for Solar Energy (Italy - Bologna)


Why do we have to use renewable energy sources, in particular solar energy? This central question is answered in the module focused on the nanotechnology studies carried out to convert sunlight into electric energy and on the RRI aspects relevant to this specific research field. The module contents are suitable for upper level high-school and concern the curriculum of both physics and chemistry.

Video on Youtube English version (.zip, 19Mb)


Nanotechnology for Information (Italy - Bologna)


How can we use light to get information about the world? This central question is answered in the educational module focused on the nanotechnology studies carried out to get information from the interaction light/matter and on the relevant RRI aspects. The module is suitable for upper level high-school and comprises many topics from the curriculum of both physics and chemistry.

Video on Youtube English version (.zip, 8Mb)


Energy Sources (Italy - Palermo)


This module deals with solar energy transduction, its responsible use in society and the relevance of an informed awareness on energy sources. The difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources and the role of science and technology to try to  overcome the problem of the limited availability of raw materials (oil, gas, …) used to produce energy are a central point.

Video on Youtube English version (.zip, 1.4Mb)


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Applications (Greece)


The Greek module Nanoscience Applications focuses on technologies related to improve quality of life. Through this module students get acquainted with fundamental nanoscience concepts, boost their environmental awareness and involvement with prime societal problems and realize the role of nanomaterials and technology and their impact and risks to their everyday life.

Video on Youtube English version (.zip, 9Mb) |  Greek version (.zip, 8Mb)


Geoengineering (Portugal)


The module takes students to investigate about the Climate Geo-engineering strategies as an option for the mitigation of global warming, and its advantages and disadvantages, as well as, to reflect on the 6 dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation in order to pursue a pro Geo-engineering responsible Manifesto to be presented in the form of an exhibition, planned, developed and streamlined by the students.

Video on Youtube English version (.zip, 21Mb) |  Portuguese version (.zip, 12Mb)


Evaluate Earth's Health through Polar Regions (Portugal)


The module takes students to understand the polar science as a multidisciplinary scientific field that aims to contribute to better health of our planet. Students will examine scientific papers and draw conclusions on their relevance to the advancement of knowledge, as well as identify RRI practices in research portrayed in the papers. Finally, students will have to build an interactive exhibition on the theme worked.

Video on Youtube English version (.zip, 20Mb) |  Portuguese version (.zip, 17Mb) |  Dutch version (.zip, 11Mb)


Plastic - Bane of the Ocean (Germany - Kiel)


The module explores the influence of plastics on the ocean such as the different ways of contamination, the behavior of plastics in the ocean, the adsorption of pollutants on micro-plastic particles, as well as their intrusion in the food chain. The module has a global as well as local level and includes experimental and group work.

Video on Youtube |  English version (.zip, 25Mb) |  German version (.zip, 24Mb) |  Greek version (.zip, 9Mb) |  Turkish version (.zip, 159Mb) 


OffShore Wind Energy (Germany - Munich)


The module is a simulation game in which students discuss the possible investment of a municipality into an offshore wind park. They research and adopt the roles of different stakeholders and debate the risks and benefits of the investment in the light of local (municipal) and global (ocean) aspects.

English version (.zip, 3Mb) |  German version (.zip, 3Mb)


Nanoscience (Romania)


The Nanoscience Module starts with an introduction to nanoparticles and their synthesis, developed along a story of "research teams" who have the tasks to gain knowledge about nanometals and their applications. Further the module includes units on the application of nanomaterials in medicine, in solar energy systems as well as industrial applications of nanomaterials.

Video on Youtube  English version (.zip, 20Mb)


Ferrofluids Technology (Romania)


Ferrofluids are a special class of nanomaterials that combine the usual properties of a liquid and a magnet. In this activity, students thoroughly study the properties of these unusual materials before proceeding to design applications for it. Students need some previous knowledge about magnets, magnetic field and magnetic materials.

 English version (.zip, 3Mb)


Lotus Effect (Romania)


This module opens the field of nanotechnology from the surface modifications perspective: The experimental activities in the unit highlight the structural and functional properties of super-hydrophobic nanomaterials and other modifications like non-oxidizable surfaces. The purpose is to form a responsible attitude towards using nanomaterials in various industries. In the second part of the module, applications of nanomaterials in museum research are highlighted, like reducing chloride concentrations using nanoabsorbers or coating lime stone with a hydrophobic protection.

 English version (.zip, 6.2Mb)


Natural Nanomaterials (Romania)


The activities in this unit are designed to raise students’ awareness to nanoparticles in natural nanomaterials. The activities are developed to make students think about maintaining people's health and responsible use of nanotechnology especially related to food issues. The second part of the module contains two multimedia-based units on the world of nanomaterials and biomimicry /  nanobiomimicry.

 English version (.zip, 11Mb)


Climate Change (Finland)


The Climate Change module focuses on how people and other species must adapt to the consequences of climate change. Topics like animals’ changing environments, food production, or extreme weather are included. Students are engaged through online activities, experimental work, and making an exhibition. At the end, the class acts to help the local community be more climate responsible.

Video on Youtube English version (.zip, 13Mb)  |  Portuguese version (.zip, 1.7Mb)  Turkish version (.zip, 490Mb)