If you are interested in a local contact, e.g. if you have specific questions, want to know more about the modules available in your language, or want to team up in the project with your class(es), please contact the persons indicated in the partners section, or read more about activities in your country in the local info section.


If you have general questions on the project, please contact the project coordinator:

Prof. Jan Apotheker

j.h.apotheker [at] rug.nl

University of Groningen
Instituut voor Didactiek en Onderwijsontwikkeling
Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen

Kamer 422
Nijenborgh 9
9747 AG Groningen

Tel 0503634365
Fax 0503634500


The external evaluator of the IRRESISTIBLE project is Prof. Peter Mahaffy.

Prof. Peter Mahaffy

Co-Director, King's Centre for Visualization in Science
Professor of Chemistry

The King's University 
9125 50th St.
Edmonton, AB
Canada T6B 2H3


If you are not sure whom to contact, or if you have remarks referring the webpage, please send an email to:
info [at] irresistible-project.eu